Amalgex Group

Dave Hatter, a cybersecurity consultant for over 25 years and a technology educator at Cincinnati State, discusses his security journey, the future of cybersecurity education and the roles of certification in pursuing high level cybersecurity careers.

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In the podcast, Hatter and host Chris Sienko discuss:

– When did you first get interested in computers and security? (1:18)
– How did you move from software engineering to cybersecurity, teaching and beyond? What were the major steps along the way and the progression of skill sets that got you to that point? (3:54)
– What are your favorite parts about teaching security as a professor? What aspects of security do you teach in your class? (6:26)
– What does the skills gap look like from your end? Do you see the skills gap as a shortcoming of education, on-the-job training or other factors? (8:57)
– What role does security education in school play, as opposed to hands-on experience and certification training? What does a security professional receive in an ongoing educational environment as opposed to going out and being self-taught? (13:24)
– Do you believe that certifications can be thought of as a tool to solve a problem, rather than another set of letters to be collected for your resume? (18:01)
– What, in your opinion, makes for a good Capture the Flag exercise? In creating the CTF, what aspects make it an educational and challenging experience for students in a way that can apply to their future work? (18:54)
– Were there any challenges in the CTF that you were unable to break through in the allotted time? (22:05)
– What role do you feel that professional certifications play in the enhancement of a security career? Which certifications are going to be most important for security aspirants in 2019? (24:12)
– For our listeners who are considering cybersecurity careers, where do you recommend beginning your study? What if the person has been in the workforce in a non-cyber/tech field and is looking to change career directions completely? (27:41)
– Of the dozen or more certs you hold, which ones are most useful for your day-to-day work? (30:04)
– Where do you see cybersecurity education and certification training headed in the years to come? Do you think the skills gap can be made up? What tips would you give for someone looking to to take the first step? (21:35)

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About Infosec
At Infosec, we believe knowledge is the most powerful tool in the fight against cybercrime. We help IT and security professionals advance their careers with a full regimen of certifications and skills development training. We also empower all employees with security awareness and training to stay cybersecure at work and home. Founded by smart people wanting to do good, Infosec educates entire organizations on how to defend themselves from cybercrime. That’s what we do every day — equipping everyone with the latest security skills so the good guys win.

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