Amalgex Group

To stay afloat during the pandemic, organizations across nearly every industry were required to accelerate change faster than previously imaginable. In this time of crisis, CIOs not only achieved C-suite buy-in for digital transformation, but they also emerged as leaders by adapting strategy as their companies navigated unfamiliar, virtual business models. Now that Covid-19 has ignited an increased appreciation for CIOs and technology’s role in delivering strategic business change, technology executives grapple with a new challenge – maintaining their newfound influence and using it to propel their organization forward.

As they navigate this challenge, some critical factors IT leaders must account for will be customers, business processes and procedures, employees and culture. While these factors have always been essential in digital transformation, they’ve evolved significantly, and companies will need to approach them strategically in the new normal. Below, I list six key steps to help them get started.

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