Amalgex Group

Right now, a worrisome prediction is that a lack of IT skills worldwide and resulting inability to solve pressing business problems will fuel a $390 billion loss each year by 2025. Low-code/no-code (LCNC) is one of the key solutions for addressing this gap and the resulting backlog of projects that burden CIOs everywhere. And it’s not arrived a moment too soon.

Low-code/no-code platforms have the potential to transform how applications are created, enabling people who are closest to customers and business users to deliver solutions and experiences, all with minimal involvement from the technology organization.

CIOs everywhere are excited about the opportunity, trusting that adopting LCNC could boost their agility and time to value all while bridging the skills gap and decreasing the strain on IT. Yet nearly a quarter of CIOs are still afraid of rampant shadow IT and the consequences it could have on security and the quality of their solutions.

The most likely reason behind these concerns is that these organizations haven’t yet adjusted their operating blueprint and capabilities to fully embrace and take advantage of the distributed innovation that LCNC enables.

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